Irish Politics Data
The Irish Politics Data project offers datasets, text corpora, and dashboards related to Irish politics. The website features polling results, national and cross-national surveys, election results, legislative data, party manifestos, parliamentary speeches, policy agendas, annual reports, and relevant literature from both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. The project aims to guide researchers, policymakers, journalists, and citizens to data and empirical literature on politics on the island of Ireland. Created by Stefan Müller, contributions of data or literature are welcomed via this short form.
Data and literature on the Republic of Ireland
Data and literature on Northern Ireland
You can also filter resources based on keywords by clicking on the search icon in the top-right corner.
About Us
- Stefan Müller (Creator; Project lead for the Republic of Ireland)
- Michele Crepaz (Project lead for Northern Ireland)
Research Assistants
- Robin Rauner (Republic of Ireland)
- Eoghan Kelly (Northern Ireland)
If you would like to contribute data or literature to the project, please contact us or complete this short form