Northern Ireland

Public Opinion

The Northern Ireland Assembly Election Study

The Northern Ireland Assembly Election Study (NIAS) has been conducted after some Assembly elections. These studies are available in separate datasets.

2022 | 2016 | 2003

Northern Ireland Life & Times Survey

The Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey (NILT) is an annual survey of public opinion and identity. It has been conducted every year since 1998 and includes reports and raw datasets for each year.

Annual Surveys: 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | Question Overview

Northern Irish Life & Times Youth Survey

The Northern Ireland Young Life & Times Survey (NIYLT) is a survey operated by the NILT which measures public opinion and identity of young Northern Irish people. The survey includes 16 year olds and has been carried out most years since 2004.

Surveys: 2022 | 2019 | 2018 | 2016 | 2013 | 2011 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | Question Overview

State of the Union Survey

The State of the Union Survey is a pan-UK survey which examines attitudes to a variety of political and constitutional factors.

2023 Survey | 2021 Survey

Northern Ireland Assembly Polling

Ireland Votes is a polling aggregator which collects all party polls conducted in Northern Ireland. A complete dataset of all polls is also available.


Northern Irish European Election Studies

The European Election Studies (EES) provide data on various aspects of electoral behaviour in the European Parliament. Collected data ranges from voter and elite surveys to media studies and party manifestos. Studies including Northern Ireland occurred in: 1989, 1994, 1999, 2004, and 2014


Northern Ireland European Social Survey

The European Social Survey (ESS) collects cross-sectional data on attitudes, beliefs, and behaviour patterns in over 30 countries through in-person interviews. Conducted every two years since 2001, each round of surveys centres on a different theme relating to relevant social and political issues. Northern Ireland is included in the United Kingdom’s dataset.

Website | ESS Data Portal

Northern Irish Party Positions and Legislative Data

Local and European Parliament Election Manifestos

The CAIN Manifesto Explorer provides direct access to the content of party manifestos for local, Assembly, General and European Parliament elections in Northern Ireland. Some records reach back to 1975 although this is more complete from 1997.


Assembly Debates

An Assembly database contains the complete record of speeches from the Northern Ireland Assembly since 2006. Whilst They Work for You holds a record back to 1998.

Debates 2006–2024 | 1998–2024 | Video version

Northern Ireland Affairs Committee

The Committee examines the expenditure, administration and policy of the Northern Ireland Office and its associated public bodies.

Publications | Membership

Archive of Leaflets and Election Materials

The ElectionLeaflets archive is a collection of election materials from UK political campaigns since 2010. It includes material from Northern Irish political parties and referendums.


Manifesto Project

The Manifesto Project provides data on political parties’ policy positions in over 50 countries. The project has collected and coded over 5,000 party manifestos since 1945. The dataset includes the Manifesto Corpus, which contains the full texts of a subset of party manifestos from Northern Ireland.

Website | Codebook | Manifesto Corpus

Euromanifestos Project

The Euromanifestos Project provides data on the policy positions and issue salience of political parties in manifestos released for European Parliament Elections. It includes Northern Irish parties.


Northern Ireland Executive Press Releases

The Northern Ireland Executive’s website maintains a searchable record of press releases issued by the Executive since 2015.


They Work for You

They Work for You maintains an up to date record of all speeches given by every representative in the Northern Ireland Assembly and in Westminster. It also contains a biography of all elected representatives.

Assembly | Westminster

Census and Reports

Irish Political Studies: Northern Ireland Annual Data Review

Founded in 1986, Irish Political Studies (IPS) is the official journal of the Political Studies Association of Ireland. The journal serves as an authoritative source for academic publications on politics in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, as well as relations with the United Kingdom and the European Union.

Volumes: 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2006

Northern Ireland Census

An official census of Northern Ireland is usually taken every 10 years and includes detailed demographic data.

2021 | 2011 | 2001 | 1991 | 1981 | 1971 | 1966 | 1961 | 1951 | 1936 | 1926 | Earlier

European Data: Northern Ireland

European Data is the official portal for European data including Eurobarometer, EU statistics and governmental datasets. It contains a large trove of datasets relating to Northern Ireland.


Women in Politics and the Northern Ireland Assembly

A 2015 governmental report into challenges and barriers which prevent some women from becoming politically active, and examined some potential solutions.


Northern Ireland Assembly Operations

Register of Members’ Interests

Information on financial interests and/or other registrable interest which might reasonably be thought by others to influence a Member of the Northern Ireland Assembly’s actions. Website

Members’ Salaries and Expenses

Overview of the salaries and expenses of Members of the Northern Ireland Assembly.


Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly

The website maintains an up-to-date database of all legislation passed by the Northern Ireland Assembly.


Political Finance

The Electoral Commission: Political Finance Online

The databases of the Electoral Commission of the UK and Westminster Account can be filtered by party based in Northern Ireland. The Electoral Commission retains a record of party finances and donations and also maintains a list of all officially registered parties in Northern Ireland.

Website | Parties

Westminster Accounts: Tortoise, SkyNews

Westminster Accounts by SkyNews and Tortoise contains detailed records of the finances, All-Party Parliamentary Groups and registered interests of all UK MPs, including those from Northern Ireland.


Lobbying the Northern Ireland Office

Use filters to track details on meetings between lobbyists, interest groups and the Northern Ireland Office on the Open Access UK database by Transparency International.


Civil Society Organisations in Northern Ireland

The Charity Commission of Northern Ireland maintains a searchable and downloadable list and database of all charities registered in Northern Ireland.


Election Results and Relevant Acts

Northern Ireland General Election Results

Full results and additional information on general elections since 1918.

Results and data

Northern Ireland Assembly Election Results

Elections results to the Northern Ireland Assembly. The Assembly was established following the passage of the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement, with the first election taking place in 1998. Results are held by and contain links to constituency level results. The site also houses results of earlier elections to the former Northern Ireland Parliament, and other elected bodies.

2022 | 2017 | 2016 | 2011 | 2007 | 2003 | 1998 | Northern Ireland Parliament Results

Northern Ireland Referendum Results

Results of referendums held in Northern Ireland since 1998, held variously by Ark.

2016 Brexit | 2011 Alternative Vote | 1998 Belfast/Good Friday Agreement | 1975 EEC Referendum | 1973 Border Poll

Northern Ireland European Elections Results

All results of European Elections held in Northern Ireland until 2019.

2019 | 2014 | 2009 | 2004 | 1999 | 1994 | 1989 | 1984 | 1979

Northern Ireland Council Election Results

The Ark archive contains all local government election results dating back to 1973.

Election Archive

Conflict and Peace

CAIN Database on the Troubles

The CAIN Archive is a collection of information and source material on ‘the Troubles’ and politics in Northern Ireland from 1968 to the present. There is also some material on society in the region. CAIN is located in Ulster University and is an associate of INCORE and ARK.

CAIN and INCORE also developed the Accounts of the Conflict, a digital archive of personal accounts of the conflict.

PSNI Disclosure of Paramilitary Style Attacks since 1998

The PSNI disclosure log tracks every paramilitary style attack in Northern Ireland since signing of the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement in 1998. It includes details of victims, times, locations and the group to which the attack has been attributed (if known).



Northern Ireland’s Open Data Portal

A collection of NI Public Sector datasets in open, free, and reusable formats.


All-Party Parliamentary Group for Northern Ireland

Parallel Parliament maintains a database of all membership and reports, including of the All-Party Parliamentary group for Northern Ireland.


PRONI Archive

The Public Records Office of Northern Ireland maintains a large archive of historical and political information on Northern Ireland, much of which has been digitised.



Introductions to Northern Irish Politics (In progress)


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