Republic of Ireland

Public Opinion

Irish National Election Study

The Irish National Election Study (INES) has been conducted since 2002. These election studies are available in separate datasets. Currently, the PSAI Voters, Parties and Elections Specialist Group is preparing a harmonised dataset.

2002, 2007 | 2011, 2016 (included in CSES) | 2020

Irish Polling Indicator

The Irish Polling Indicator combines public opinion data from five polling companies for all parties in the Dáil Éireann into one aggregated estimate of public support. In addition to interactive graphs, the website provides access to raw polling results (1982–2024) and daily Irish Polling Indicator estimates (1987–2024).

Website | Codebook

Irish Demographic Polling Data

The Irish Demographic Polling Datasets contain results from over 100 polls published between 2011 and 2024 on vote intentions, satisfaction with the government, and popularity of party leaders. Polling responses can be sub-grouped by age, gender, region, social class, and district magnitude.

Dashboard | Codebook | Datasets

Comparative Candidate Survey

The Comparative Candidate Survey (CCS) is a standardised questionnaire on topics such as campaigning, ideology, and democracy. Administered across countries in successive modules, covering all Irish general elections since 2007.


Comparative Studies of Electoral Systems

The Comparative Studies of Electoral Systems (CSES) project began in 1996 and now encompasses six consecutive modules, each with a different research agenda. Irish elections included in the dataset are 2002 (Module 2), 2007 (Module 3), 2011 (Module 4), and 2016 (Module 5).


European Election Studies

The European Election Studies (EES) provide data on various aspects of electoral behaviour in the European Parliament. Collected data ranges from voter and elite surveys to media studies and party manifestos. Elections covering Ireland: 1989, 1994, 1999, 2004, 2009, 2014, 2019


Eurobarometer Surveys

The Eurobarometer Surveys have offered insight into public opinion on political and social issues in the European Union since 1974. Surveys are organised into several categories: the bi-annual Standard Eurobarometer, the in-depth Special Eurobarometer, the ad-hoc Flash Eurobarometer, and detailed qualitative studies.


European Social Survey

The European Social Survey (ESS) collects cross-sectional data on attitudes, beliefs, and behaviour patterns in over 30 countries through in-person interviews. Conducted every two years since 2001, each round of surveys centres on a different theme relating to relevant social and political issues.

Website | ESS Data Portal

Party Positions and Legislative Texts

Local and European Parliament Election Manifestos

The Manifesto Explorer provides direct access to the content of party manifestos for local and European Parliament elections in Ireland since 1999. Users can search for specific terms in manually cleaned text files using the dashboard or download the original raw PDFs from the Irish Election Manifestos Archive.

Dashboard | Raw Files

Parliamentary Debates

Database of parliamentary debates that contains the complete record of parliamentary speeches from Dáil Éireann.

Text Corpus (1919-2013) | Text Corpus (2009-2019)

Irish Policy Agendas Project

Part of the Comparative Agendas Project network, the Irish Policy Agendas Project compiles political party (1981-2020) and legislative (1922-2021) data. Data are also available on policy agendas in Northern Ireland for political parties (2016-2022) and legislative bills (1999-2022).

Website | Codebook | Data: Manifestos | Data: Legislative Bills

Archive of Leaflets and Election Materials

The Irish Election Literature archive is a collection of scanned election materials from over 50 Irish political groups dating back to the 1980s. As the extensive collection is in the process of being digitised, inquiries regarding materials not listed in the online index may be sent to the project maintainer, Alan Kinsella.


Manifesto Project

The Manifesto Project provides data on political parties’ policy positions in over 50 countries. The project has collected and coded over 5,000 party manifestos since 1945. The dataset includes the Manifesto Corpus, which contains the full texts of a subset of party manifestos.

Website | Codebook | Manifesto Corpus

Euromanifestos Project

The Euromanifestos Project provides data on the policy positions and issue salience of political parties in manifestos released for European Parliament Elections.


Government Press Releases

The x-pr text corpus comprises raw text of all press releases issued by the Irish government from 2009 to 2020.

Text Corpus

Annual Reports

Irish Political Studies

Founded in 1986, Irish Political Studies (IPS) is the official journal of the Political Studies Association of Ireland. The journal serves as an authoritative source for academic publications on politics in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, as well as relations with the United Kingdom and the European Union.

Volumes: 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2006

European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook

The European Journal of Political Research (ECPR) Political Data Yearbook covers election outcomes, national referendums, government transitions, and institutional reforms. In addition to data presented interactively online, the annual yearbooks offer insights and analyses by Irish politics experts on key issues.

Yearbooks: 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011


Ireland’s Open Data Portal

A collection of Irish Public Sector datasets in open, free, and reusable formats.


Lobbying Register

Track details on lobbyists, clients, and public officials, including their interactions, matters discussed, and objectives. The register should provide regular updates.

Website | Database

Irish Social Science Data Archive

Ireland’s leading centre for quantitative data acquisition, preservation, and dissemination.


Election Results

Several websites provide election results for Ireland. Some of the most popular ones are:

Constituency-Level Elections Archive (Dataset contains over 2,000 elections from 180 countries, including Ireland)

Ireland Election (unofficial, partially incomplete)

Elections Ireland (unofficial, partially incomplete)

Irish Elections: Geography, Facts and Analysis

Elections in the Republic of Ireland from a geographical viewpoint: maps, election boundaries, party voting patterns, turnout rates.


Nealon’s Guide

Election results and TD profiles for each general election since 1973.


Women for Election Ireland

Interactive data on the representation of women in Irish politics.


Irish State Administration Database

A dataset on the development of Ireland’s state administration since 1922.



A dataset on political parties, elections, and cabinets in modern democracies. Datasets include Irish elections since 1922.


Dynasties in Irish Politics

Dataset on political dynasties in Irish politics, covering elected representatives from 1918 to 2016.

Dataset | Paper

Members of Government (WhoGov Dataset)

The largest available dataset on members of government across time and countries.

Dataset | Codebook


Introductions to Irish Politics

Elections and Parties

Newspapers and Blogs

About Us


Research Assistants


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